Van den Berg RoseS pay close attention to people and the natural environment. As a result, they are certified for Fairtrade, a social hallmark designed to help developing countries to get favourable terms of trade and to promote sustainable cultivation. The company has also taken initiatives of its own, such as a schooling project for its staff and their families, health care, drinking-water provisions, clothing projects and dietary advice.
Fairtrade helps farmers and labourers in developing countries to obtain better positions in the trade chain, so that they can become self-supporting from their work and invest in a sustainable future. Fair Trade is both a hallmark and a global movement. Through Fairtrade, minimum prices for products are guaranteed, even if the global market prices are lower. Moreover, a Fair Trade premium is received on top of the selling price and strict social and environmental criteria apply.
Laws and regulations are playing an increasingly larger role at places where work takes place with living products such as flowers, plants, vegetables and fruit. MPS develops and manages certificates. Certificates ensuring sustainability in the horticultural sector are becoming increasingly interwoven in companies' daily activities. The MPS standards are internationally accepted and serve as a guide in the horticultural sector. Not only is the focus on the environment here. With its certificates also gives shape to sustainability in the field of quality care and social aspects.
For this reason our roses of Pride of Africa are certified for various MPS certificates like MPS-A, MPS-GAP, MPS-ETI and MPS-Socially Qualified. Inquire with our sales team about the current state of affairs.